Sexual selection and the evolution of sex roles

Sexual selection and the evolution of sex roles in fiddler crabs.

school Student intake
This project is open for Bachelor, Honours, Master and PhD students.
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I am open to students proposing studies - be they meta-analyses (we can teach you the techniques), empirical work (as long as we have lab space or there is a suitable field site) or theoretical studies. Basically, if you look at some of the papers coming out of the Jennions lab and find them interesting then email me and arrange to meet and discuss projects. Please be aware, however, that I can only take on a finite number of students. So sometimes you might be a great student, with interesting ideas and I will not be able to supervise you. But give it a try.

Extra note: People interested in post-doctoral fellowships are strongly encouraged to contact me. Please note, however, that post-doctoral funding has to be applied for externally. This is usually through the ARC (Australian Research Council) for which the annual deadline for applications is around late January.


Enthusiasm, a reasonable track record, willingness to work hard.

