Celeste Linde

Group membership
Research interests
My main research interest is in fungal-plant-interactions. These interactions are either detrimental (ie pathogens) or beneficial (mycorrhizae) to the host plant. My work includes both applied and pure research on a range of important pathogens including barley scald, barley net blotch, Ascochyta on chickpea, Phytophthora etc. I am interested in evolutionary aspects of plant-pathogen-interactions, often utilising population genetic tools to investigate pathogen biology. We are also investigating the mycorrhizal species diversity, mycorrhizal population diversity and host specificity of orchid mycorrhizae. Speciation processes in orchids are facilitated by specific pollinator interactions, and possibly mycorrhizal interactions. We are using sexually deceptive orchids to study these interactions.
Recent grants
Major grants that I am linked to with other researchers
- 2015-2020. The biosynthesis and evolution of novel semiochemicals in orchids. ARC Discovery.
- 2014-2018. Diseases and pests of truffles and their trees in Australia. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.
- 2012-2016. ARC linkage. Above and below-ground specialisation in Australian orchids and its implications for diversification and vulnerability,
- 2009-2014. ARC Linkage. Impacts of climate change for endangered Australian orchids.
- 2009-2012. ARC Linkage. Aschochyta blight of chickpea.
Major grants I have personally won
- 2017-2020. Funded by Australia and Pacific Science Foundation. “Taxonomic characterisation of Australian Serendipita fungi”.
- 2013-2019 Funded by the Grain Research Corporation “Investigating the role of weedy grasses in contributing to diseases on cultivated barley.
- 2012-2013. Funded by the Grain Research Corporation “Evolution of virulence in Pyrenophora teres” .
- 2005-2009 Funded by the Grain Research Corporation 'Identifying and managing durable resistance in barley against scald'.
- 2009-2012 Funded by the Grain Research Corporation 'Disease resistance and epidemiology of scald and net form of net blotch'.
- 2009-2013 Funded by the Rural Industry for Research Development Corporation 'Investigation of factors to improve black truffle yield'.
Selected publications
- Linde, C. C.; Phillips, R. D.; Crisp, M. D.; et al., Congruent species delineation of Tulasnella using multiple loci and methods, New Phytologist 201(1) 6-12. 2014
- Phillips, Ryan D.; Peakall, Rod; Hutchinson, Michael F.; et al., Specialized ecological interactions and plant species rarity: The role of pollinators and mycorrhizal fungi across multiple spatial scales, Biological Conservation, 169(0) 285-295. 2014
- Wessels, Bernard A.; Lamprecht, Sandra C.; Linde, Celeste C.; et al., Characterization of the genetic variation and fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea populations on rooibos seedlings in the Western Cape of South Africa, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 136(2) 407-417. 2013
- Sakaguchi, Shota; Bowman, David M. J. S.; Prior, Lynda D.; et al., Climate, not Aboriginal landscape burning, controlled the historical demography and distribution of fire-sensitive conifer populations across Australia, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1773). 2013
- Morin, Louise; Gomez, Don R.; Evans, Katherine J.; et al., Invaded range of the blackberry pathogen Phragmidium violaceum in the Pacific Northwest of the USA and the search for its provenance Biological Invasions 15(8) 1847-1861. 2013
- Ruibal, Monica P.; Peakall, Rod; Smith, Leon M.; et al., Phylogenetic and microsatellite markers for Tulasnella (Tulasnellaceae) mycorrhizal fungi associated with Australian orchids, Applications in Plant Sciences 1(3) 1200394. 2013/03/01
- Mirtalebi, Maryam; Banihashemi, Zia; Linde, Celeste C., Phylogenetic relationships of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp melonis in Iran European Journal of Plant Pathology 136(4) 749-762. 2013
- Pule, B. B.; Meitz, J. C.; Thompson, A. H.; et al., Phytophthora infestans populations in central, eastern and southern African countries consist of two major clonal lineages Plant Pathology 62(1) 154-165. 2013
- Gowland, Kelli M.; van der Merwe, Marlien M.; Linde, Celeste C.; et al., The host bias of three epiphytic aeridinae orchid species is reflected, but not explained, by mycorrhizal fungal associations
American Journal of Botany 100(4) 764-777. 2013 - Biddle, J. M.; Linde, C.; Godfree, R. C., Co-infection patterns and geographic distribution of a complex pathosystem targeted by pathogen-resistant plants Ecological Applications 22(1) 35-52. 2012
All publications
- A fungal component in BIOL 2122 - Australian Plant Diversity
- A fungal component in BIOL 1009. This lecture serves as an introduction to fungi.
- BIOL 3137 was a third year course designed to give students who end up continuing into an Honours, a good foundation in molecular techniques. I designed and coordinated this course for 3 years, teaching formal lectures for 6 weeks, and supervising lab-based projects for 6 weeks
- Biology 3151 was a large third year course, it typically has enrollments of around 60. I teach 4 weeks of this course
- Masters in Molecular Genetic Analysis, lectured
- BIOL 8211 and BIOL 8212. Coordinated both courses and similar to BIOL 3137, but with a masters component
- BIOL 8121 and BIOL 8122. Coordinated both courses. Assessment associated with a national workshop ‘Molecular analyses in epidemiology'.