Gordon Research Conference: CO2 assimilation in plants

An expedition composed of 21 RSB Plant Sciences researchers, including lab leaders, postdocs, students and research officers, attended the 2014 Gordon Research Conference 'CO2 assimilation in plants: from genome to biome', which took place from 8-3 June in Waterville Valley (New Hampshire, USA). The team contributed to the excellent scientific level with talks from Graham Farquhar, Murray Badger, Spencer Whitney and Britta Forster, and a number of posters. The conference was preceeded for the first time by a Gordon Research Seminar, a forum for early career researchers to exchange ideas and experiences in a more informal environment.
Leadership and Management Training for Scientists
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) organized a workshop on Leadership and Management Training for Scientists on June 4-6, preceding the Gordon Research Conference on CO2 assimilation in plants. The course, imparted in Boston (Massachussetts, USA) by HFP Consulting, focused on aspects like time and conflict management, emotional intelligence or group dynamics, among others. Postdocs involved in plant pesearch projects founded by the BMGF (RIPE, C4 Rice and ENSA), including five RSB Plant Sciences members, were invited to attend the wokshop.
A short movie hightlighting the best moments of the conference courtesy is of Anne-Sophie Dielen, music by Eels.