Biologic Newsletter
Publication date
Thursday, 14 Sep 2017
Biologic newsletter was published by the Research School of Biological Sciences between 1986 and 1998, to highlight current research. Click on any of the links below to read the full version.
- Issue 1, October 1986
- Issue 2, September 1987
- Issue 3, April 1988
- Issue 5, March 1991
- Issue 6, November 1992
- Issue 7, July 1993
- Issue 8, Summer 1993-94
- Issue 9, November 1994
- Issue 10, May 1995
- Issue 11, February 1996
- Issue 12, August 1997
- Issue 13, February 1998
In 2017, we celebrate 50 years of Biology at ANU. This article is one of a set featuring the achievements and memorable occasions of ANU biologists in those first 50 years.
Read more at Biology at ANU – the first 50 years.