Peter Goldacre Award

The Peter Goldacre Award honours the memory and attainments of Peter Goldacre, a young scientist and foundation member of the Australian Society of PLant Biologists. The Award will be made on the merit of original research in one area, the findings of which have been published, or accepted for publication, in the three years preceding the year of the Award. The work should be done within 10 years of the candidate submitting their PhD. 
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The Australian Society of Plant Scientists


The Peter Goldacre Award honours the memory and attainments of Peter Goldacre, a young scientist and foundation member of the Australian Society of PLant Biologists. The Award will be made on the merit of original research in one area, the findings of which have been published, or accepted for publication, in the three years preceding the year of the Award. The work should be done within 10 years of the candidate submitting their PhD. 
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