Australia's unique biodiversity, home to ~700,000 native species, is constantly changing. Our research on evolutionary and ecological processes lays the foundation for achieving $137 billion for biodiversity outcomes by 2050.


Biodiversity encompasses the immense variety of lifeforms on Earth. Australia is a megadiverse continent with unique biodiversity including its most iconic animals and plants. Our continent and the surrounding oceans are home to ~700,000 native species, most of these are found nowhere else in the world. Yet, biodiversity is not static - it is constantly changing due to extinction, speciation, adaption, and migration of species into new areas. The patterns of biodiversity we observe today, and work to protect, reflect evolutionary processes and past environmental change. Research at RSB is at the forefront of studying these evolutionary and ecological processes to better predict where species will persist or move to as the climate changes. These predictions will allow us to better protect Australia’s biodiversity. RSB researchers contribute to the vision to unlock $137 billion in financial flows to advance Australian biodiversity outcomes by 20501

1A nature-positive Australia. PWC 2022

Impact cases


RSB researchers are leveraging the biodiversity of Australian birds to explore fundamental and applied questions about animal cognition, sociality, and ecology.

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The ANU hosted Centre for Biodiversity Analysis (CBA) is a collaborative initiative of the ANU, CSIRO and University of Canberra.

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