Evans Group - Physiology of photosynthesis; interactions with nitrogen
We study relating photosynthesis to nitrogen; CO2 diffusion within leaves; analysing how plants acclimate to their light environment.
Research theme
Research in the Evans Group focuses on the main areas:
- Relating photosynthesis to nitrogen
- Quantifying the conductance to CO2 diffusion within leaves
- Analysing how plants acclimate to their light environment.
Selected publications
- Tazoe Y, von Caemmerer S, Estavillo GM, Evans JR (2011) Using tunable diode laser spectroscopy to measure carbon isotope discrimination and mesophyll conductance to CO2 diffusion dynamically at different CO2 concentrations. Plant Cell & Environment.
- von Caemmerer S, Evans JR, (2010) Enhancing C3 photosynthesis Plant Physiology 154, 589-592.
- Evans JR, Kaldenhoff R, Genty B. & Terashima I. (2009). Resistances along the CO2 diffusion pathway inside leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 60, 2235-2248
- Harrison MT, Edwards EJ, Farquhar GD, Nicotra AB and Evans JR. (2009). Nitrogen in cell walls of sclerophyllous leaves accounts for little of the variation in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. Plant Cell & Environment 32: 259-270.
- Edwards EJ, McCaffery S and Evans JR. (2006) Phosphorus availability and elevated CO2 affect biological nitrogen fixation and nutrient fluxes in a clover-dominated sward. New Phytologist 169:157-167. (5)
- Edwards EJ, McCaffery S and Evans JR. (2005) Phosphorus status determines biomass response to elevated CO2 in a legume: C4 grass community. Global Change Biology 11:1968-1981. (0)
- Ghannoum O, Evans JR, Chow WS, Andrews TJ, Conroy JP, and von Caemmerer S (2005) Faster Rubisco is the key to superior nitrogen-use efficiency in NADP-malic enzyme relative to NAD-malic enzyme C4 grasses. Plant Physiology 137:638-650.(15)
- Evans JR and Vogelmann TC (2003) Profiles of 14C fixation through spinach leaves in relation to light absorption and photosynthetic capacity. Plant Cell & Environment 26: 547-560. (Cover photo) (23).
- Evans, JR and Poorter, H. (2001) Photosynthetic acclimation of plants to growth irradiance: The relative importance of SLA and nitrogen partitioning in maximising carbon gain. Plant Cell & Environment 24:755-776.
- Evans, JR (1989) Photosynthesis and nitrogen relationships in leaves of C3 plants. Oecologia 78, 9-19.