Lars Jermiin

Honorary Professor#Ecology & Evolution

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Lars Jermiin is an Honorary Professor at the Research School of Biology, Australian National University and a Visiting Professor at the School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin.

He holds an MSc (population genetics) from the University of Aarhus, Denmark (1989) and a PhD (molecular evolution) from La Trobe University, Australia (1994). He did postdoctoral research at La Trobe Univerity (1994-1995), Université d'Ottawa (1995), the Australian National University (1995-1998), and the University of Sydney (1998-2001).

In 2001 he was appointed to the position of Lecturer at the University of Sydney, then promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2004, and Associate Professor in 2008. In 2002 he co-founded the Sydney University Bioinformatics & Technology Center (SUBIT), and in 2003 was appointed its Director (2003-7). In 2009 he was appointed by the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia to establish and lead a research team in genome bioinformatics at its Division of Entomology. In 2016 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the Australian National University, and in 2018 he was appointed Visiting Professor at the University College Dublin.



Research interests

Lars Jermiin is an expert in evolutionary biology and bioinformatics, with particular strengths in molecular phylogenetics and comparative genomics. His interests spans the ways in which genes and gene products, populations, and species diverge and adapt to changing environments. He has applied his knowledge and methodologies in a variety of areas, including genome annotation, evolution, biosecurity, and the development of novel enzymes.

Much of his research focuses on developing methods to extract information from genomic data in a statistically sound and computationally efficient manner. His current focus is on promoting a new phylogenetic protocol (NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2, lqaa041) — designed to mitigate model misspecification and confirmation bias — and on developing methods and tools to support this protocol. Among these are methods and tools to: (i) detect violations of phylogenetic assumptions; (ii) find optimal models of sequence evolution for data that evolved under clocklike conditions; (iii) obtain phylogenetic estimates from data that evolved under non-clocklike conditions; and (iv) assess whether phylogenetic estimates are affected by ascertainment bias.

In addition, he is doing, or has done, applied research with multiple foci, including:

  • Insect Genome Projects -- He co-led the annotation and comparison of detoxification genes in the cotton bollworm and the corn earworm (BMC Biology 15, 63), the tobacco hornworm (Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 76, 118-147), and two species of bumblebee (Genome Biology 16, 76).
  • Bat1K Genome Project -- He co-led the phylogenetic research in this project (Nature 583, 578-584) and co-leads further phylogenetic research of these data.
  • Plant Chloroplast Genomes -- He leads phylogenetic research of variation in evolutionary processes underpinning the diversity of plant chloroplast genomes.
  • 1KITE Project -- He contributed to this project, with novel strategies and methods for analysing the phylogenomic data (Science 346, 763-767; Science 349, 487).
  • Biosecurity -- He contributed to research identifying the origins and incursion pathways of pests affecting agriculture and livestock (PLoS One 11, e0146699; Scientific Reports 7, 45302).
  • Design Novel Enzymes -- He co-led the project aimed at engineering novel omega-amino acid transaminases for use in a biotechnological setting (Green Chemistry 19, 5375-5380; International Patent Application PCT/AU2014/000617).




Book Chapters

  • Jermiin LS, Jayaswal V, Ababneh FM, Robinson J. 2017. Identifying optimal models of evolution. Pp 379-420. In Bioinformatics - Volume I: Data, Sequences Analysis, and Evolution (Ed. Keith J), Humana Press, New York. (Invited)
  • Jermiin LS, Ho JWK, Lau KW, Jayaswal V. 2009. SeqVis: A tool for detecting compositional heterogeneity among aligned nucleotide sequences. Pp 65-91. In Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis (Ed. Posada D), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. (Invited)
  • Jermiin LS, Jayaswal V, Ababneh F, Robinson J. 2008. Phylogenetic model evaluation. Pp 331-363. In Bioinformatics - Volume I: Data, Sequences Analysis, and Evolution (Ed. Keith J), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. (Invited)

Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals

  • Salzberg LI, Martos AAR, Lombardi L, Jermiin LS, Blanco A, Byrne KP, Wolfe KH. 2022. A widespread inversion polymorphism conserved among Saccharomyces species is caused by recurrent homogenization of a sporulation gene family. PLoS Genetics (in press).
  • Doronina L, Hughes GM, Moreno-Santillan D, Lawless C, Lonergan T, Ryan L, Jebb D, Kirilenko BM, Korstian JM, Dávalos LM, Vernes SC, Myers EW, Teeling EC, Hiller M, Jermiin LS, Schmitz J, Springer MS, Ray DA. 2022. Contradictory phylogenetic signals in the Laurasiatheria anomaly zone. Genes 13, 766.
  • Vera-Ruiz V, Robinson J, Jermiin LS. 2022. A likelihood-ratio test for lumpability of phylogenetic data: Is the Markovian property of an evolutionary process retained in recoded DNA? Systematic Biology 71, 660-675.
  • McInerney TW, Fulton-Howard B, Patterson C, Paliwal D, Jermiin LS, Patel HR, Pa J, Swerdlow RH, Goate A, Easteal S, Andrews SJ. 2021. A globally diverse reference alignment and panel for imputation of mitochondrial DNA variants. BMC Bioinformatics 22, 417.
  • Pinzari CA, Kang L, Michalak, P, Jermiin LS, Price DK, Bonaccorso FJ. 2020. Analysis of genotype sequence data reveals the origin and evolutionary separation of Hawaiian hoary bat populations. Genome Biology and Evolution 12, 1504-1514.
  • Jebb D,  & 28 other authors. 2020. Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations. Nature 583, 578-584 (Cover story).
  • Jermiin LS, Catullo RA, Holland BR. 2020. A new phylogenetic protocol: Dealing with model misspecification and confirmation bias in molecular phylogenetics. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2, lqaa041.
  • Wong TKF, Kalyaanamoorthy S, Meusemann K, Yeates DA, Misof B, Jermiin LS. 2020. A minimum reporting standard for multiple sequence alignments. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2, lqaa024.
  • Dziak JJ, Coffman DL, Lanza ST, Li R, Jermiin LS. 2020. Sensitivity and specificity of information criteria. Briefings in Bioinformatics 21, 553-565 (Review).
  • Crotty SM, Minh BQ, Bean NG, Holland BR, Tuke J, Jermiin LS, von Haeseler A. 2020. GHOST: Recovering historical signal from heterotachously-evolved sequence alignments. Systematic Biology 69, 249-264.
  • Schilling S, Kennedy A, Pan S, Jermiin LS, Melzer R. 2020. Genome-wide analysis of MIKC-type MADS-box genes in wheat: pervasive duplications may have facilitated adaptation to different environmental conditions. New Phytologist 225, 511-529.
  • Benbow HR, Jermiin LS, Doohan FR. 2019. Serpins: genome-wide characterisation and expression analysis of the serine protease inhibitor family in Triticum aestivum. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 9, 2709-2722.
  • Wilding M, Peat TS, Kalyaanamoorthy S, Newman J, Scott C, Jermiin LS. 2017. Reverse engineering: Transaminase biocatalyst development using ancestral sequence reconstruction. Green Chemistry 19, 5375-5380.
  • Pearce SL & 61 other authors. 2017. Genomic innovations, transcriptional plasticity and gene loss underlying the evolution and divergence of two highly polyphagous and invasive Helicoverpa pest species. BMC Biology 15, 63.
  • Escalona HE, Zwick A, Li HS, Li J, Wang X, Pang H, Hartley D, Jermiin LS, Nedvěd O, Misof B, Niehuis O, Ślipiński A, Tomaszewska W. 2017. Molecular phylogeny reveals food plasticity in the evolution of true ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Coccinellini). BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 151.
  • Kalyaanamoorthy S, Minh BQ, Wong TFK, von Haeseler A, Jermiin LS. 2017. ModelFinder: Fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods 14, 587-589.
  • Tay WT, Walsh TK, Downes S, Anderson C, Jermiin LS, Wong TFK, Piper MC, Chang ES, Macedo IB, Czepak C, Behere GT, Silvie P, Soria MF, Frayssinet M, Gordon KHJ. 2017. Mitochondrial DNA and trade data support multiple origins of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Brazil. Scientific Reports 7, 45302.
  • Kanost MR & 113 other authors. 2016. Multifaceted biological insights from a draft genome sequence of the Tobacco Hornworm moth, Manduca sexta. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 76, 118-147 (Cover story).
  • Rane RV, Walsh TK, Pearce SL, Jermiin LS, Gordon KHJ, Richards S, Oakeshott JG. 2016. Are feeding preferences and insecticide resistance associated with the size of detoxifying enzyme families in insect herbivores? Current Opinion in Insect Science 13, 70-76 (Invited).
  • Tay WT, Kerr PJ, Jermiin LS. 2016. Population genetic structure and potential incursion pathways of the bluetongue virus vector Culicoides brevitarsis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Australia. PLoS ONE 11, e0146699.
  • Kjer KM & 26 other authors. 2015. Response to Comment on “Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution”. Science 349, 487 (Invited).
  • Sadd BM & 143 other authors. 2015. Two bumblebee genomes illuminate the route to advanced social living. Genome Biology 16, 76.
  • Misof B & 99 other authors. 2014. Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science 346, 763-767 (Cover story).
  • Jayaswal V, Wong TKF, Robinson J, Poladian L, Jermiin LS. 2014. Mixture models of nucleotide sequence evolution that account for heterogeneity in the substitution process across sites and across lineages. Systematic Biology 63, 726-742.
  • Vera-Ruiz VA, Lau KW, Robinson J, Jermiin LS. 2014. Statistical tests to identify appropriate types of nucleotide sequence recoding in molecular phylogenetics. BMC Bioinformatics 15 (Suppl. 2), S8.
  • Rouse GW, Jermiin LS, Wilson NG, Eeckhaut I, Lanterbecq D, Oji T, Young CM, Browning T, Cisternas P, Helgen LE, Stuckey M, Messing CG. 2013. Fixed, free and fixed: The fickle phylogeny of extant Crinoidea (Echinodermata) and their Permian-Triassic origin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66, 161-181.
  • Noor S, Taylor MC, Russell RJ, Jackson CJ, Jermiin LS, Oakeshott JG, Scott C. 2012. Intramolecular epistasis and the evolution of a new enzymatic function. PLoS ONE 7, e39822.
  • Jayaswal V, Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Robinson J. 2011. Reducing model complexity of the general Markov model of evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28, 3045-3059.
  • Jayaswal, V, Jermiin LS, Poladian L, Robinson J. 2011. Two stationary, non-homogeneous Markov models of nucleotide sequence evolution. Systematic Biology 60, 74-86.
  • Zhang Y, Chen M, Church WB, Lau KW, Larkum AWD, Jermiin LS. 2010. The molecular structure of the IsiA-Photosystem I supercomplex, modelled from high-resolution, crystal structures of Photosystem I and the CP43 protein. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics 1797, 457-465.
  • Yuasa HJ, Ball HJ, Fern Ho Y, Austin CJD, Whittington CM, Belov K, Maghzal GJ, Jermiin LS, Hunt LS. 2009. Characterization and evolution of vertebrate indolamine 2, 3-dioxygenases: IDOs from monotremes and marsupials. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 153, 137-144.
  • Sumner JG, Charleston MA, Jermiin LS, Jarvis PD. 2008. Markov invariants, plethysms, and phylogenetics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 253, 601-615.
  • Hyman IT, Ho SYW, Jermiin LS. 2007. Molecular phylogeny of Australian Helicarionidae, Microsystidae and related groups (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) based on mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45, 792-812.
  • Golubchik T, Easteal S, Wise MJ, Jermiin LS. 2007. Mind the gaps: Evidence of bias in estimates of multiple sequence alignments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24, 2433-2442.
  • Ball HJ, Weiser S, Sanchez-Perez A, Austin JDC, Austerbauer F, Miu J, McQuillan J, Stocker R, Jermiin LS, Hunt NH. 2007. Characterization of an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-like gene found in humans and mice. Gene 396, 203-213 (Erratum in 465, 66).
  • Jayaswal V, Robinson J, Jermiin LS. 2007. Estimation of phylogeny and invariant sites under the general Markov model of nucleotide sequence evolution. Systematic Biology 56, 155-162.
  • Zhang Y, Chen M, Zhou BB, Jermiin LS, Larkum AWD. 2007. Evolution of the inner light-harvesting antenna protein family of cyanobacteria, algae and plants. Journal of Molecular Evolution 64, 321-331.
  • Jayaswal V, Poladian L, Jermiin LS. 2007. Single- and multi-objective phylogenetic analysis of primate evolution using a genetic algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 1-10, 4146-4153.
  • Ho JWK, Adams CE, Lew JB, Matthews TJ, Ng CC, Shahabi-Sirjani A, Tan LH, Zhao Y, Easteal S, Wilson SR, Jermiin LS. 2006. SeqVis: Visualization of compositional heterogeneity in large alignments of nucleotides. Bioinformatics 22, 2162-2163.
  • Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Robinson J. 2006. Generation of the exact distribution and simulation of matched nucleotide sequences on a phylogenetic tree. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 5, 291-308 (Invited).
  • Ababneh F, Jermiin LS, Ma C, Robinson J. 2006. Matched-pairs tests of homogeneity with applications to homologous nucleotide sequences. Bioinformatics 22, 1225-1231.
  • Holland BR, Jermiin LS, Moulton V. 2006. Improved consensus network techniques for genome-scale phylogeny. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23, 848-855.
  • Messing CG, Mayer DL, Siebeck UE, Jermiin LS, Vaney DI, Rouse GW. 2006. A modern, soft-bottom, shallow-water, tropical crinoid fauna (Echinodermata) from the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 25, 164-168.
  • Wickham S, Large MCJ, Poladian L, Jermiin LS. 2006. Exaggeration and suppression of iridescence: the evolution of two-dimensional butterfly structural colours. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 3, 99-108.
  • Poladian L, Jermiin LS. 2006. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and phylogenetic inference with multiple data sets. Soft Computing 10, 358-368.
  • Jermiin LS, Poladian L, Charleston MA. 2005. Evolution – Is the “Big Bang” in animal evolution real? Science 310, 1910-1911 (Invited).
  • Murray S, Flø Jørgensen M, Ho SYW, Patterson DJ, Jermiin LS. 2005. Improving the analysis of dinoflagellate phylogeny based on rDNA. Protist 156, 269-286.
  • Jayaswal V, Jermiin LS, Robinson J. 2005. Estimation of phylogeny using a general Markov model. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1, 62-80.
  • Premzl M, Gready JE, Jermiin LS, Simonic T, Marshall Graves JA. 2004. Evolution of vertebrate genes related to Prion and Shadoo proteins – clues from comparative genomic analysis. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21, 2210-2231.
  • Hardy MP, Owczarek CM, Jermiin LS, Ejdebäk M, Hertzog PJ. 2004. Characterization of the type I interferon locus and identification of novel genes. Genomics 84, 331-345.
  • Ho SYW, Jermiin LS. 2004. Tracing the decay of the historical signal in biological sequence data. Systematic Biology 53, 623-637.
  • Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD. 2004. The biasing effect of compositional heterogeneity on phylogenetic estimates may be underestimated. Systematic Biology 53, 638-643.
  • Wroe S, Field J, Fullagar R, Jermiin LS. 2004. Megafaunal extinction in the Late Quaternary and the global overkill hypothesis. Alcheringa 28, 291-332.
  • Till M, Zhou BB, Zomaya A, Jermiin LS. 2004. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood methods in homogeneous parallel environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3320:274-279.
  • Kummerfeld SK, Weiss AS, Fekete A, Jermiin LS. 2003. AMID: autonomous modeler of intragenic duplication. Applied Bioinformatics 2, 169-176.
  • Jermiin LS, Ho SYW, Ababneh F, Robinson J, Larkum AWD. 2003. Hetero: A program to simulate the evolution of DNA on a four-taxon tree. Applied Bioinformatics 2, 159-163.
  • Angelats C, Wang X-W, Jermiin LS, Copeland N, Jenkins N, Baker RT. 2003. Isolation and characterization of the mouse Usp15 ubiquitin specific protease. Mammalian Genome 14, 31-46.
  • Simpson AGB, Roger AJ, Silberman JD, Leipe D, Edgcomb VP, Jermiin LS, Patterson DJ, Sogin ML. 2002. Evolutionary history of “early diverging” eukaryotes: the excavate taxon Carpediemonas is a close relative of Giardia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19, 1782-1791.
  • Adcock GJ, Dennis ES, Easteal S, Huttley G, Jermiin LS, Peacock WJ, Thorne AG. 2001. Lake Mungo 3: A response to recent critique. Archaeology in Oceania 36, 170-174 (Invited).
  • Lahoud MH, Ristevski S, Venter DJ, Jermiin LS, Bertoncello I, Zavarsek S, Hasthorpe S, Drago J, de Kretser D, Hertzog PJ, Kola I. 2001. Gene targeting of Desrt, a novel ARID class DNA-binding proteins, causes growth retardation and abnormal development of reproductive organs. Genome Research 11, 1327-1334.
  • Adcock GJ, Dennis ES, Easteal S, Huttley GA, Jermiin LS, Peacock WJ, Thorne AG. 2001. Human origins and ancient human DNA – Response. Science 292, 1656 (Invited).
  • Board PG, Chelvanayagam G, Jermiin LS, Tetlow N, Tzeng H-F, Anders NW, Blackburn AC. 2001. Identification of novel glutathione transferases and polymorphic variants by expressed sequence tag data base analysis.  Drug Metabolism and Disposition 29, 544-547.
  • Millen RS, Olmstead RG, Adams KL, Palmer JD, Kavanagh TA, Lao NT, Heggie L, Hibberd JM, Gray JC, Morden CW, Calie PJ, Jermiin LS, Wolfe KH. 2001. Many parallel losses of infA from chloroplast DNA during angiosperm evolution with multiple independent transfers to the nucleus. The Plant Cell 13, 645-658.
  • Board PG, Coggan M, Chelvanayagam G, Easteal S, Jermiin LS, Schulte GK, Danley DE, Hoth LR, Griffor MC, Kamath AV, Rosner MH, Chrunyk BA, Perregaux DE, Gabel CA, Geoghegan KF, Pandit J. 2001. Characterization of the Omega class glutathione transferases. Chemico-Biological Interactions 133, 204–206.
  • Adcock GJ, Dennis ES, Easteal S, Huttley GA, Jermiin LS, Peacock WJ, Thorne AG. 2001. Mitochondrial DNA sequences in ancient Australians: Implications for modern human origins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 98, 537-542 (Cover story) (Erratum in 99, 541).
  • Chiotis M, Jermiin LS, Crozier RH. 2000. A molecular framework for the phylogeny of the ant subfamily Dolichoderine. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 17, 108-116.
  • Board PG, Coggan M, Chelvanayagam G, Easteal S, Jermiin LS, Schulte KG, Danley DE, Holth LR, Griffor MC, Kamath AV, Rosner MH, Chrunyk BA, Perregaux DE, Gabel CA, Geoghegan KF, and Pandit J. 2000. Identification, characterization and crystal structure of the Omega class of glutathione transferases. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, 24798-24806.
  • Wolf MJ, Easteal S, Kahn M, McKay BD, Jermiin LS. 2000. TrExML: a maximum likelihood approach for extensive tree-space exploration. Bioinformatics 16, 383-394.
  • Board PG, Chelvanayagam G., Jermiin LS, Blackburn AC. 2000. Identification and characterization of the Zeta class of glutathione transferases. Clinical Chemistry and Enzymology Communications 8, 379-384.
  • Jones RA, Jermiin LS, Easteal S, Patel B, Beacham IR. 1999. Amylase and 16S rRNA genes from a hyperthermophilic archaebacterium. Journal of Applied Microbiology 86, 93-107.
  • Board PG, Blackburn AC, Jermiin LS, Chelvanayagam G. 1998. Polymorphism of Phase II enzymes: Identification of new enzymes and polymorphic variants by database analysis. Toxicology Letters 102-103, 149-154.
  • Zhuo J, Ng AYN, Tymms MJ, Jermiin LS, Seth AK, Thomas RS, Kola I. 1998. A novel transcription factor, ELF5, belongs to the ELF subfamily of ETS genes and maps to human chromosome 11p13-15, a region subject to LOH and rearrangement in human carcinoma cell lines. Oncogene 17, 2719-2732.
  • Andrews TD, Jermiin LS, Easteal S. 1998. Accelerated evolution of cytochrome b in simian primates: adaptive evolution in concert with other mitochondrial proteins? Journal of Molecular Evolution 47, 249-257.
  • Board PG, Baker RT, Chelvanayagam G, Jermiin LS. 1997. Zeta, a novel class of glutathione transferases in a range of species from plants to humans. Biochemical Journal 328, 929-935.
  • Jermiin LS, Olsen GJ, Mengersen KL, Easteal S. 1997. Majority-rule consensus of phylogenetic trees obtained by maximum-likelihood analysis. Molecular Biology and Evolution 14, 1296-1302.
  • Foster PG, Jermiin LS, Hickey, DA. 1997. Nucleotide composition bias affects amino acid content in proteins coded by animal mitochondria. Journal of Molecular Evolution 44, 282-288.
  • Crozier RH, Jermiin LS, Chiotis M. 1997. Molecular evidence for a Jurassic origin of ants. Naturwissenschaften 84, 22-23.
  • Jermiin LS, Foster PG, Graur D, Lowe RM, Crozier RH. 1996. Unbiased estimation of symmetrical directional mutation pressure from protein-coding DNA. Journal of Molecular Evolution 42, 476-480 (Erratum in 44, 468).
  • Jermiin LS, Graur D, Crozier RH. 1995. Evidence from analyses of intergenic regions for strand-specific directional mutation pressure in metazoan mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12, 558-563.
  • Poiani A, and Jermiin LS. 1994. A comparative analysis of some life-history traits between cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian passerines. Evolutionary Ecology 8, 471-488.
  • Jermiin LS, Graur D, Lowe RM, Crozier RH. 1994. Analysis of directional mutation pressure and nucleotide content in mitochondrial cytochrome b genes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 39, 160-173.
  • Jermiin LS, Crozier RH. 1994. The cytochrome b region in the mitochondrial DNA of the ant Tetraponera rufoniger: amino acid sequence divergence in Hymenoptera may be associated with nucleotide content. Journal of Molecular Evolution 38, 282-294.
  • Dod B, Jermiin LS, Boursot P, Chapman VH, Tønnes Nielsen J, Bonhomme F. 1993. Counter-selection on sex chromosomes in the Mus musculus European hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 6, 529-546.
  • Jermiin LS, Mahler V. 1993. Revised descriptions of the morphology of Trachyphloeus bifoveolatus, T. angustisetulus, T. spinimanus, and T. digitalis. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Entomologist's Gazette 44, 139-153.
  • Jermiin LS, Loeschcke V, Simonsen V, Mahler V. 1991. Electrophoretic and morphometric analysis of two sibling species pairs in Trachyphloeus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 22, 159-170.
  • Tomiuk J, Jermiin LS. 1991. Changes in relative mobility of pancreatic amylase variants in isoelectric focusing. Primates 32, 124-129.

Papers in Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

  • Till M, Zhou BB, Zomaya A, Jermiin LS. 2004. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood methods in homogeneous parallel environments. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT-2004, Singapore; Dec 2004).
  • Wickham S, Poladian L, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS. 2004. Evolution of two-dimensional optical microstructures in butterfly scales. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences 185-186 (OWLS8-2004, Melbourne, Australia; Nov 2004).
  • Poladian L, Wickham S, Large MCJ, Jermiin LS. 2004. Biological strategies to suppress iridescence in low-contrast 3D photonic crystals. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences 133-134 (OWLS8-2004, Melbourne, Australia; Nov 2004).
  • Zhou BB, Till M, Zomaya A, Jermiin LS. 2004. Parallel implementation of maximum likelihood methods for phylogenetic analysis. Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC'04), Part of the Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Apr 2004)
  • Nicholas FW, Cothran EG, Jermiin L, Nesbitt B. 2003. A phylogenetic analysis of Brumbies. Proceedings for the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics (Melbourne, Australia) 15, 160-165 [2003]