Professor Scott Keogh
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Scott Keogh completed his BS at the University of Illinois (1991) and MS at Illinois State University (1993) before moving to Australia to do a PhD at the University of Sydney (1993-1997). He started an Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Sydney in 1997 but won his Lectureship and started at ANU in 1998. Since then he has supervised to completion 16 honours students, 8 MPhil students, 17 PhD students and hosted 14 Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellows and multiple postdoctoral research associates. His current group is listed on his lab web site. He also served as Convenor of the Graduate Program in Evolution, Ecology and Genetics (2000-2011, 2024 - now), Associate Director (HDR) for the Research School of Biology (2009-2011), Head of the Division of Ecology and Evolution (2012-2019) and Interim Director of the Research School of Biology for 14 months (2020-2021). He is now back to a research and teaching life.
For more information on our lab you can go to these links:
- Keogh Lab web site
- Check out some of the awards won by our lab members
- Follow the Keogh Lab on Twitter
Research interests
- Molecular phylogenetics, phylogeography, biogeography and systematics of Australian frogs and reptiles
- Application of phylogenetic comparative methods to understand the evolution of phenotypes and other traits
- Conservation genetics
- Evolutionary and molecular ecology (particularly mating systems)
- See the Keogh Lab website for more details.
Recent grants
- My research program has been funded by the Australian Research Council since 1998
- I also have received funding from the Hermon-Slade Foundation, ABRS and numerous other organisations.
Teaching information
I teach into first, second and third year courses in vertebrate diversity and evolution.
I also supervise research students in all areas of my research interests. Please contact me by email for further details.
- Keogh Lab website
- See my Resources and advice for students web site.
Rm W219, Level 2, RN Robertson Building (46)
The most up to date list of our publications can be found on our Keogh Lab web site. You can also go to a complete list of publications on the ISI website.