Damien Farine
Group membership
I am a behavioural and movement ecologist. My aim is to understand how individuals navigate their social landscape and how, in turn, social life impacts the interactions between individuals’ physiology and their ecological environment. The work of my group combines advanced analytical and data collection techniques that allow us to scale up from the interactions among individuals to emergent population-level patterns and processes. We apply this approach to long-term studies in both captive and wild empirical systems allowing us to link fine-scale moment-by-moment decisions of individuals to long-term consequences.
I am currently an Associate Professor at the Australian National University and an Eccellenza Professor at the University of Zurich, as well as an Affiliated Scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior.
I was previously a Principal Investigator at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, a Principal Investigator at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, and a Lecturer at the University of Konstanz. Prior to this, I held a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford and a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute fellowship based at the University of California Davis. I studied my PhD at the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology at the University of Oxford.
In 2018, I was awarded the Christopher Barnhard award for Outstanding Contributions by a New Investigator by the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. In 2019, I was awarded an ERC Starting Grant on The Ecology of Collective Behaviour. I have been included in the 2019, 2020, and 2021 ISI Highly Cited Researchers lists.
Research interests
You can find out more about our research here: https://sites.google.com/site/drfarine/home
Please see my lab webpage or Google scholar for details on my publications.