Hirota Naora award

The Hirota Naora award is presented to the best presentations, and for the best poster presentation. Florence was the winner in the Plant Sciences study field at the 2016 RSB Student Conference.


HDR Conference prizewinners: Flor Danila, Erick Tjhin, Adelaide Dennis, Robyn Shaw and Pip Beale. Missing: Ross Deans. Image: Alex Maier)

Read more about the 2016 HDR conference.
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Award date
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business Awarding institution
Awarding institution
The Research School of Biology


The Hirota Naora award is presented to the best presentations, and for the best poster presentation. Florence was the winner in the Plant Sciences study field at the 2016 RSB Student Conference.


HDR Conference prizewinners: Flor Danila, Erick Tjhin, Adelaide Dennis, Robyn Shaw and Pip Beale. Missing: Ross Deans. Image: Alex Maier)

Read more about the 2016 HDR conference.