RSB Student scholarships & prizes

Scholarships and Prizes available to eligible Biology students.

Flagship Biology Prizes & Scholarships

Title Elegibilty
Research School of Biology Director’s Prize in Honours Honours students undertaking BIOL4001
Research School of Biology Outstanding Thesis prize PhD or MPhil student having submitted a thesis in the last calendar year
Denis Carr Prize Best paper published by a higher degree research (PhD, MPhil) candidate
Hiroto Naora Graduate Student Travel Scholarship HDR students, one from each division in RSB
Indigenous Knowledge Travel Grant
  • Students having completed 24 units in any BIOL courses
  • are undertaking a short program of study at Charles Darwin University (CDU)
  • Enrolled in CIK240, CAS110 or other suitable courses

Biology Honours Scholarships

The following scholarships are currently available to Biology Honours students:

Updated:  22 March 2024/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services