RSB Early and Mid-Career Report June 2021

College of Science Research Office – Robertson Team – Grant and Funding Information Session
On 2 June 2021 we hosted the next event in our Diverse Careers seminar series presented by our brilliant and dedicated Robertson Research Office team: Michele Lamb, Kavee Samarasinghe, Vanessa Driver, Melissa Perry, Amelia Irby, and Connor Gourlay. They gave us an extremely informative run-down of the services and resources they provide to RSB postdocs and early career researchers. RSB EMCRs have previously requested more resources informing them of available grants so of particular note is the link to the Research Management intranet page:, and the new Research Grant Portal which includes a detailed EMCR section.
Private Sector Careers Seminar – Business and Start-ups
On the 22 June we hosted three remarkable speakers from the scientific business world: Martin Amidy (CEAT – Industry Engagement Senior Management), Dr Sam Reid (Capital Ecology – Senior Ecologist, former RSB student), and Dr Dan Dan Tian (Nourish Ingredients – Lab Manager, Former JCSMR International Student). They gave us insightful perspectives on how a start in science can lead to unique and diverse careers in the business world. This was followed by an engaging Q and A panel professionally chaired by our very own Dr Caitlin Byrt (RSB, Plant Science). Key tips included: building networks to access new opportunities (LinkedIn, cold calling), targeting how you communicate the value of your research and skills to investors or partners, and how to manage the faster pace of business and especially startup life.
Save the Date: Annual RSB Early and Mid-Career Researchers Conference
The EMCR event of the year is coming! This year the EMCR Conference focus will be on diversity in EMCR research and career pathways, and on communication and cross-pollination among disciplines and with the public. So keep your diaries clear for Thursday 16th September! Much more info to come.
As a special perk this year, speakers will also have access to a personalised Science Communication Workshop run by the world experts at the Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), generously supported by the RSB Executive. This will provide professional coaching on finding your research ‘story’ and making it resonate with interdisciplinary and public audiences. It’ll also be a lot of fun, so ink in the 1st of September for this once-in-a-postdoc opportunity!