Professor Kiaran Kirk elected Fellow of the Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

The Research School of Biology (RSB) welcomes the election of Professor Kiaran Kirk as a Fellow to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, for his outstanding leadership and contributions to the field in Australia.
Kiaran was officially inducted to the Academy on Thursday 19 October 2017 during the Academy's third Annual Scientific Meeting in Adelaide, along with two other ANU scientists, Professor Emily Banks (Research School of Population Health) and Professor Ross Hannan (John Curtin School of Medical Research).
ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt AC congratulated them on their election as Fellows to the Academy and on their outstanding research achievements.
"On behalf of the ANU community, I applaud Emily, Ross and Kiaran for their amazing work in health and medical research," Professor Schmidt said.
"Their passion for advancing medical and health science is a source of great pride for all of us at ANU."
Kiaran Kirk is Dean of the ANU College of Science and part of the Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistry at RSB. His primary research interest is in the biology of the malaria parasite, with a particular focus on antimalarial drugs.
Kiaran's work has had significant impact in relation to the assessment of new potential antimalarial drugs, to ensure that that there is not overinvestment in compounds sharing the same molecular target.
Professor Ian Frazer, President of the Academy, congratulated the new Fellows.
"Health and medical research undertaken by the new Fellows of the Academy, and enabled by government and philanthropic funding, will help to ensure quality and equitable health care as we enter the age of precision medicine," he said.