Naomi Langmore

Publication date
Monday, 8 Sep 2014

Group research focus

We test evolutionary theory using field experiments on birds. Our recent work includes studies of coevolution between cuckoos and their hosts, the evolution of female birdsong, musical tool use in palmcockatoos and climate change impacts on species interactions and breeding biology.

Teaching and research achievements

The biggest buzz in my research has been discovering ingenious behavioural strategies in animals that have never been described before, such as cuckoos that lay ‘invisible’ eggs, and cuckoo chicks that can change their tune to match their host. These moments have led to some of the research achievements of which I’m most proud, as well as (I hope!) inspiring students by demonstrating how exciting behavioural ecology can be.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Working closely with students to design, analyse and write up research projects

What do you enjoy most about research?

I think it’s an incredible privilege to be able to spend much of my time in the field watching wildlife. My enjoyment of this has been greatly enhanced by collaborations with some inspiring colleagues and students.

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