Kai Xun Chan awarded JG Crawford Prize

Publication date
Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016

Kai Xun Chan (Pogson Lab, PS and ARC CoE Plant Energy Biology) has been awarded the JG Crawford prize for 2015, for his thesis entitled 'Structural and Functional Characterisation of Chloroplast Signalling'. 
The Crawford Prize is ANU’s premier award for graduate research excellence. Only one is awarded each year in all of the sciences from medicine to engineering, physics and maths.
The last biologist to win the PhD award was in 2008, and since 1973, only 12 students from RSB, RSBS, BAMBI and BOZO have been awarded the prize.
Kai, who continues at RSB as a postdoc in the Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, will receive a medal, and a cash prize of $2000 at a ceremony in December.