John Evans a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

Publication date
Wednesday, 5 Jun 2013

Four ANU academics have been elected among the 20 new Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013. The Academy annually honours a small number of Australian scientists for their outstanding contributions to science.

Professor John Evans of the Research School of Biology was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science for his internationally renowned work on elucidating the nitrogen economy of photosynthesis, and his work on forming a basis for process-based models of plant productivity in relation to global change, and the intellectual framework for molecular research aimed at raising crop yields by engineering photosynthesis;

The new Fellows will be admitted to the Australian Academy of Science at the Academy’s annual three-day celebration, Science at the Shine Dome, 29 May 2013 in Canberra.

Photo: John Evans accepting his election. Photo copyright of Mark Graham/ Australian Academy of Science.

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