Indigenous knowledge & culture ANU/CDU exchange program
Njanjma Ranger, Ursula Badari shares knowledge with students in Arnhemland, near Gunbalanyah, NT. Photo credit: Greg Williams Njanjma Ranger, Ursula Badari shares knowledge with students in Arnhemland, near Gunbalanyah, NT. Photo credit: Greg Williams ANU students in the field - Kakadu sunset
6 April 2023

Would you like to learn more about Indigenous Australian culture and knowledge?

ANU biology and health and medical science students now have the opportunity to enrol in an intensive in person course in Indigenous Culture & the Environment at Charles Darwin University in Darwin during the winter break (between Semester 1 and 2). The CDU course counts as an elective (unspecified  later year non science course) toward your ANU degree. You will enrol in this course under a cross-institutional enrolment arrangement, so any tuition fees will be paid directly to CDU, and all teaching and assessment will be conducted by CDU staff.

IAS353 Indigenous Cultures and the Environment  - Winter 2023
This course explores the enduring associations between Indigenous people, their cultures and the natural environment. This is an introductory course that will give a broad overview of Indigenous understanding of the natural and the role of Indigenous knowledge in the contemporary management of natural and cultural resources. The course will be conducted in Darwin and a short trip to Kakadu, it will include interactive small-group classes with CDU academics and Indigenous knowledge holders. The course will run as a one week in person intensive from 2nd to 8th July 2023. Students will then complete online assessment activities, with support from CDU staff.

There will be some travel bursaries available to cover all or part of the cost of travel to Darwin and Kakadu. 

How to apply

  1. Complete an expression of interest here by 4 May 2023
  2. Complete the Application to study elsewhere on a cross-institutional basis, applications are available on the website.  Your application should be submitted via email to and will likely take two weeks or more to be assessed and approved by the College of Science.  It is your responsibility to be aware of any enrolment deadlines at CDU and to allow ample times for ANU approval and process. Please apply by mid May to ensure enough time for paperwork to be processed.
  3. Once your ANU application is approved, you will need to apply for CDU cross-institutional enrolment and application form is available here.
  4. After you complete the course, it is your responsibility to arrange a copy of an official transcript to be submitted to the ANU College of Science Office for the granting of course credit.  Application for course credit transfer (PDF, 576.23 KB) or download the document from the website under Step 5.

Application Contact Details:

Fees:  Cross-institutional students are subject to the rules of CDU including those relating to fees and academic progress.  If you're not eligible for either HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP at your home institution, you will not be eligible at CDU.

You will also be liable for the Student Services and Amenities Fees at CDU.

Updated:  26 April 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services