HDR conference and induction

Thirty-three HDR student presentations were delivered at the HDR conference on 15 April.
The winners of the Hiroto Naora Best Presentation prizes were: Joseph Chung (Jennions Group, E&E), Jenni Hayward (van Dooren Group, BSB) and Holly Beckett (M. Ball Group, PS).
The conference followed a highly successful (and entertaining) student-led induction event for new PhD students comprising a range of activities over two half days.
Thanks to the session chairs Adam Reddiex , Tim Rhodes , Jamie Robertson and the microphone runners (brisk striders) Piet Arnold, Tanya Skinner, Nathan Paul and Ruth Skrzypek.
Also many thanks of course go to the conference organisers Hannah Wilson (Solomon group), Upama Aich (Jennions group), Cassandra Taylor (Langmore Group), Xuexin Gao and Ruth Skrzypek, (Callaghan Group), Jing Zhang (Leyton Group), Driver Tiatragul (Keogh Group) and Andres Garcia (Atkin Group).
In addition to the conference you might have witnessed some peculiar student antics in Catcheside Court in the Robertson building on Wednesday afternoon. These were part of a student led induction event for new PhD students comprising a range of activities over two half days. I would like to thank the organisers Melissa Von Moger (Moritz group), Putter Tiatragul (Keogh Group), Holly Beckett (Ball group), Cassandra Taylor (Langmore Group), Xuexin Gao and Jamie Robertson (Callaghan Group) for organising this highly successful (and entertaining) event.