ARC grant success

Publication date
Thursday, 3 Nov 2011

The Research School of Biology achieved a 52% success rate in the recently-announced ARC Discovery Grant round, as well as significant success in the ARC Linkage and LIEF Grant schemes. The following people were the recipients of grants to commence in 2012.

Division of Biomedical Sciences and Biochemistry
1 other + Giel van Dooren (through U.Melb) [$120K, $100K, $100K]

Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics
Pat Backwell [$120K, $110K, $110K]
Michael Jennions, Hanna Kokko [$310K, $305K, $305K; this includes a DORA Fellowship for Michael]
Scott Keogh + 3 others [$120K, $100K, $100K]
Ryszard Maleszka [$90K, $90K, $90K]
Adrienne Nicotra + 3 others [$100K, $90K, $80K]
Sarah Pryke [$132K, $105K, $90K]
David Gordon (Linkage Grant) [$150K, $170K, $101K]

Division of Plant Sciences
Lucas Cernusak [$100K, $65K, $65k]
3 others + Lucas Cernusak (through Macquarie) [$110K, $95K, $95K]
Michael Djordjevic, Nijat Imin + 3 others [$105K, $100K, $100K]
Warwick Hillier + 2 others [$120K, $110K, $100K]
David Jones + 1 other [$120K, $110K, $110K]
Ulrike Mathesius, Adrienne Nicotra [$110K, $100K, $90K]
Dean Price [$100K, $90K, $90K]
Peter Solomon [$120K, $120K, $110K]
Shunichi Takahashi, Fred Chow, Warwick Hillier + 2 others [$132K, $115K, $110K]
Spencer Whitney + 1 other [$120K, $110K, $100K]

5 others + Owen Atkin, Murray Badger (LIEF Grant; through UWA) [$650K]