2013 ARC outcomes

Publication date
Friday, 29 Nov 2013

Staff of RSB have been awarded five Discovery grants, one LIEF grant, one Future Fellowship, and six DECRAs in the 2013 round.

The details of the grants are given below, with RSB staff in bold.

Discovery grants

Bill Foley, Ben Moore, & Maria Dearing.
'Re-evaluating the nature, origins and roles of terpenes in Eucalyptus'
$450K over three years. DP140100228.

Bill Foley, Jonathan Gershenzon, & Joerg Bohlmann.
'Temperature-dependent toxicity of plant secondary compounds to mammalian herbivores'
$460K over three years. DP140101755.

Susanne von Caemmerer & Robert Furbank.
'Enhancing and manipulating C4 photosynthesis'
$568K over three years. DP140100396.

John Evans Susanne von Caemmerer.
'Temperature response and thermal acclimation of mesophyll conductance'
$407K over three years. DP140100488.

Adrienne Hardham.
'Transcriptome analysis of Phytophthora–plant interactions: characterisation of plant inhibitor proteins targeting Phytophthora extracellular effectors'
$408K over three years. DP140101794.

Life grants

Graham Farquhar, Jochen Brocks, Michael Bird, Lucas Cernusak, Stewart Fallon, Bill Foley & Joseph Holtum.
A shared mass spectrometer with compound-specific capabilities to support innovative research in biology, the environment and geology.
$191K for 2014. DP140100228.

Future Fellowship

Ben Corry
'Understanding the mechanisms of ion conduction and drug action in voltage gated sodium channels'
$693K over 5 years. FT130100781.


Robert Allen
$386K over three years. DE140101886.

Zhong-Hua Chen
$395K over three years. DE140101143.

Luke Holman
$390K over three years. DE140101481.

Paul Oliver
$375K over three years. DE140100220.

Susanna Venn
$379K over three years. DE140101611.

Dan Warren
$395K over three years.DE140101675.