Tempo and Mode Seminar: Indigenous advantage: can Northern Australia lead through innovation

Indigenous Leader Eddie Fry has challenged us to think about a 50 year plan and ‘the Indigenous Estate lifted beyond current perceptions of what is possible in Indigenous Australia’.  Northern Australia has many advantages and can lead development and change in the region. The people of northern Australia are leaders in innovation and managing change. What will be the next major disruption in our lives? This presentation thinks about the future of northern Australia as a leader in understanding and partnered approaches to economic prosperity, culturally engaged leadership and social engagement.  We ask if the people and institutions of northern Australia draw on deep expertise in innovation, knowledge of our region and its histories, recognition of land and sea rights to turn change into adaptive pathways, rights into intergenerational strength and sustainability; turn disadvantage to advantage. It’s time to ask what is possible and how will we be a part of the future.

Updated:  24 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services