PS Seminar Series: Plant Biosecurity and the Beauty of Timor-Leste

Abstract: Timor-Leste is a beautiful island nation in the north west of Australia and is an important neighbour. This talk will introduce Timor-Leste from various perspectives. It will highlight the importance of biosecurity to Timor-Leste’s economy and why this matters to Australia. It will provide insights into why Timor-Leste is well worth a visit and why you should consider it for an upcoming holiday. It will finish off with an introduction to Timor-Leste’s agricultural cropping systems and potential research opportunities. It will be a short and sweet talk that allows you to learn more about Australia’s close neighbour.

Biography: Abel Ximenes is a visiting Biosecurity Officer from Timor-Leste. He works in the Plant Pathology Team and is the Plant Biosecurity Coordinator for the Timor-Leste Plant Biosecurity Department. He is also an IPPC/APPPC editor and acts as a key coordinator for Timor-Leste and Australian biosecurity collaborations.

Abel and his colleagues, Delfina, Luisa, Sancha, and Jose, are currently visiting ANU for 6 weeks of plant biosecurity and molecular biology training. Their visit is sponsored by a DFAT Australia Fellowship. The Timor-Leste plant biosecurity team is a key international partner of the upcoming ARC ITTC in Plant Biosecurity.

Updated:  10 November 2023/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services