37th meeting of the Australian New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry

11–12 December 2022

3rd Announcement for early bird registration and abstract submission for the 37th meeting of the Australian New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry


Abstract Submission Form

Abstracts of oral presentations and posters can be submitted online through this URL

At the moment, we are aiming to keep registration at the same price as last meeting (Regular registration $280, Student registration $180), with discounts for early bird registration prior to 10 October.  

TRAVEL GRANTS: For students interested in attending ANZSCPB that may need financial support, we do have travel grants available that can subsidise the cost of attending the conference. If you require a travel grant, please register and email Daniel Noble (daniel.noble@anu.edu.au) explaining why you need support. A few sentences are all that are needed. We will then provide a reimbursement when approved.

The meeting will be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Talks will be held in the Robertson Lecture Theatre of the Research School of Biology. The Australian National University is about 25 minutes from the Canberra International Airport by road.



The meeting will be held from the 11th to 12th December 2022 (9am-5:30pm Sunday and Monday) at the Australian National University.  Oral presentations will be held on Sunday and Monday. A poster session will also be held on Monday afternoon/evening. Deadline for submission abstracts will be Friday 11 November 2022. 

Abstract Submission Form

Abstracts of oral presentations and posters can be submitted on line through this URL


The meeting will be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Talks will be held in the Robertson Lecture Theatre of the Research School of Biology. The Australian National University is about 25 minutes from the Canberra International Airport by road.


Parking is currently in a state of flux at the ANU because of construction, so further information will be available closer to the meeting.

Cost of Registration

At the moment, we are aiming to keep registration at the same price as last meeting (Regular registration $280, Student registration $180), with discounts for early bird registration prior to 10 October 2022. On-line registration can be done here 

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner is planned for Badger & Co on the ANU campus with a cost of around $70 that includes beer and wine. 


Those of you who have not booked we would recommend the following accommodation options to start as they will be the cheapest:

1. Canberra Accommodation Centre (https://canberra-accommodation.com.au)
This is an off-campus accommodation option, but they have over 120 rooms available and are quite cheap. Single rooms are $98 / night and twin rooms (2 people) are $138 / night ($69 / person / night). If greater than 40 people book here, then breakfast will be included. To book, you can do so online through this link.

While this is slightly farther from campus, it is very close to Londsdale Street (5-minute walk), where there are plenty of restaurants, pubs, and shops. It is also only a 20-minute walk to the Robertson Building where ANZSCPB will be held.

If you would prefer less walking, there are two additional options. First, Canberra has several electric scooter ride programs, and scooters are distributed all over the city centre, are cheap to rent and will get you to the venue quickly. Second, the accommodation centre is also directly on Canberra’s Tram line (Ipima Street Station) which will take you to Alinga Street, and from there it’s a 10-minute walk.

2. John XXIII College @ the ANU
This is an on-campus accommodation option. However, spots are limited. There are only 26 rooms available for this period. The college is a short walk to the venue. Rooms are $100 / night.

If you would like this accommodation option, please get in touch with Cheryl Jolly (cjolly@johnxxiii.anu.edu.au) and indicate that you are booking for the ANZSCPB conference.

3. Burgmann College @ the ANU
This is an on-campus accommodation option. However, spots are limited. There are 35-40 rooms available for this period. The college is a short walk to the venue. Rooms are $70 / night with shared bathrooms.

If you would like this accommodation option, please get in touch with Margaret Cadman (Margaret.Cadman@burgmann.anu.edu.au ) and indicate that you are booking for the ANZSCPB conference.


Updated:  8 November 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services