Poster prize
PhD student Florence Danila (von Caemmerer group, PS) was awarded first prize for her poster presentation at the C4 Photosynthesis Conference 2016. The prize was sponsored by the Journal of Experimental Biology and awarded by popular vote of conference particpants. Florence’s poster was entitled 'Plasmodesmata in rice and Setaria: a comparison of symplastic transport mechanisms in C3 and C4 plants'
Award date
Awarding institution
Awarding institution
the Journal of Experimental Biology
PhD student Florence Danila (von Caemmerer group, PS) was awarded first prize for her poster presentation at the C4 Photosynthesis Conference 2016. The prize was sponsored by the Journal of Experimental Biology and awarded by popular vote of conference particpants. Florence’s poster was entitled 'Plasmodesmata in rice and Setaria: a comparison of symplastic transport mechanisms in C3 and C4 plants'