Elected to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

Professor Kiaran Kirk has been elected to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, for his outstanding leadership and contributions to the field in Australia. 

Professor Kirk is Dean of the ANU College of Science and Medicine and his primary research interest is in the biology of the malaria parasite, with a particular focus on antimalarial drugs. His work has had significant impact in relation to the assessment of new potential antimalarial drugs, to ensure that that there is not overinvestment in compounds sharing the same molecular target. 

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ANU scientists elected as Fellows to Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

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The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences


Professor Kiaran Kirk has been elected to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, for his outstanding leadership and contributions to the field in Australia. 

Professor Kirk is Dean of the ANU College of Science and his primary research interest is in the biology of the malaria parasite, with a particular focus on antimalarial drugs. His work has had significant impact in relation to the assessment of new potential antimalarial drugs, to ensure that that there is not overinvestment in compounds sharing the same molecular target. 

Related media:

ANU scientists elected as Fellows to Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences