Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Fellowship and Collins Bursary for travel overseas
Approximately four ASBMB Fellowships are awarded annually to biochemists or molecular biologists, each of whom is at least in the second year of PhD training and not more than 2 years subsequent to the award of the PhD degree, and normally resident in Australia, in recognition of their outstanding work in the field of biochemistry or molecular biology. Applicants must be members of the Society with at least 1 year of membership immediately prior to the application. The fellowships provide funds to assist each recipient to attend an overseas conference in a field associated with biochemistry or molecular biology or to visit briefly research laboratories in Australia or overseas to learn new research techniques. Each recipient will receive complimentary registration (Collins Bursary) for the Annual Conference of the Society, thus wherever possible, fellowship recipients shall attend the Annual Conference of the Society where their fellowship will be awarded. Each recipient shall provide the Editor with a report of the overseas conference attended or the work accomplished, for publication in the Australian Biochemist. Funding for the fellowships is provided by ASBMB. In each year one such ASBMB Fellowship, designated the Fred Collins Award, may be granted for exceptionally strong research work by an applicant.