ASMR Research Award (Domestic)

Adele received the ASMR research Award (Domestic) in 2007.

ASMR offers two Research Awards annually. These awards support a postraduate student member of the ASMR nearing completion of their studies or a recently graduated ( 3 years maximum) postdoctoral member to undertake a short period of research in a laboratory outside of Australia ($5,000) or in a distal laboratory ($2,000) within Australia. The award specificlly excludes support for conference attendance and travel for an extended period of postdoctoral studies. Applicants for these awards must have been members of the ASMR for at least 12 months immediately preceding the year in which the Award application is to be considered.
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Awarding institution
The Australian Society for Medical Research


Adele received the ASMR research Award (Domestic) in 2007.

ASMR offers two Research Awards annually. These awards support a postraduate student member of the ASMR nearing completion of their studies or a recently graduated ( 3 years maximum) postdoctoral member to undertake a short period of research in a laboratory outside of Australia ($5,000) or in a distal laboratory ($2,000) within Australia. The award specificlly excludes support for conference attendance and travel for an extended period of postdoctoral studies. Applicants for these awards must have been members of the ASMR for at least 12 months immediately preceding the year in which the Award application is to be considered.