RSB Outstanding Thesis Prize 2021

Each year the Research School of Biology may offer a prize known as the Research School of Biology Outstanding Thesis Prize. The objective of the prize is to award the best higher degree research (PhD or MPhil) thesis submitted in the previous calendar year. Funding for this prize ($2000) is provided by the Director, Research School of Biology. The 2021 winner is Tomas Fuenzalida (Keogh Group, E&E) From Genes to Communities: An Integrative Approach to the Evolution of Varanidae
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The Research of Biology


Each year the Research School of Biology may offer a prize known as the Research School of Biology Outstanding Thesis Prize. The objective of the prize is to award the best higher degree research (PhD or MPhil) thesis submitted in the previous calendar year. Funding for this prize ($2000) is provided by the Director, Research School of Biology. The 2021 winner is Tomas Fuenzalida (Keogh Group, E&E) From Genes to Communities: An Integrative Approach to the Evolution of Varanidae