Division of Ecology and Evolution
The Division of Ecology and Evolution (E&E) is a global leader in areas of biodiversity sciences including evolutionary, behavioural, physiological and molecular ecology; animal behaviour and life history evolution; phylogenetics, macroevolution, biology; population genetics, quantitative genetics and genomics.

The Division of Ecology and Evolution (E&E) is a global leader in key areas of biodiversity sciences including evolutionary, behavioural, physiological and molecular ecology; animal behaviour and life history evolution; phylogenetics, macroevolution and comparative biology; population genetics, quantitative genetics and comparative genomics. E&E is home to a large and talented group of early career researchers including research students and postdoctoral fellows from around the world. We take pride in the high quality of our research and the accomplishments of our staff and students. Members of the Division convene and teach in a wide variety of courses including many of the biodiversity, ecology and evolution courses taught at ANU.
Potential undergraduate and postgraduate research students are encouraged to read the Lab Leader research group profiles below and the advice provided for Honours students, Coursework Masters students (Graduate) and MPhil and PhD students (Higher Degree Research) provided under RSB Degree Programs. Please browse the extensive list of RSB Potential Projects available (use the filters to search your research interests) but keep in mind that many other options are available. We also have close links with CSIRO in both teaching and supervision of research students.
Research School of Biology
46 Sullivans Creek Road,
The Australian National University,
Acton ACT 2601