23 Mar 2017
Biologists at The Australian National University (ANU) have found the first evidence of mass extinction of Australian animals caused by a dramatic drop in...
3 Mar 2017
Marlene Reichel came from Austria to ANU, undertaking a Master of Biotechnology.
27 Feb 2017
In the 1990s, Ian Morgan was working on retinal neurotransmitters, including dopamine, in RSBS. Every now and then, he came across a paper suggesting that...
27 Feb 2017
Another exciting day at RSB! On 14th February 2017, around 200 RSB members came together for a day filled with networking opportunities as well as talks and...
23 Feb 2017
Form follows function, we are taught, but does it really? This is the question examined in a collaboration between Cathy Franzi, from the ANU School of Art and...
21 Feb 2017
The Australian National University (ANU) Research School of Biology has awarded the inaugural Ralph Slatyer Medal for outstanding biological research to...
20 Feb 2017
In 2000, Mandyam V. Srinivasan and colleagues showed that honeybees use the optical bypassing of the environment to measure distance. Srinivasan’s group...
20 Feb 2017
Jennie Mallela recently co-taught the ANU coral reef field course, with colleagues from the Research School of Earth Sciences, up in the southern Great Barrier...
14 Feb 2017
In 2015, for modelling photosynthesis, the world’s most important biological reaction, Graham Farquhar won the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.
9 Feb 2017
Hartnup disorder is a rare disorder that is caused by an inability to absorb the breakdown products of protein digestion, namely amino acids. In 2004, Stefan...
7 Feb 2017
In 1973, Lynn Dalgarno, from the ANU Department of Biochemistry, and his PhD student John Shine, proposed an initiating signal for protein synthesis in...
31 Jan 2017
Konzo is a neurological disease that causes irreversible paralysis of the legs, often in women and young children. It's caused by malnutrition and...