10 Dec 2010
A genome-level study of two closely-related infectious fungi, that can affect maize crops, is offering scientists new ways of understanding how to breed more...
9 Dec 2010
Humans are not the only mammal to have good colour vision, according to scientists – in fact, another mammal may be seeing things beyond our own capacity. The...
6 Dec 2010
Tributes to Emeritus Professor Frank Fenner AC continue to come in from politicians, members of the public, the science community and from around ANU....
23 Nov 2010
Congratulations to the RSB awardees in the 2010 NHMRC project grant rounds. Ruth Arkell and Allison Cowin (WCHRI, Adelaide) The role of the actin remodelling...
23 Nov 2010
ARC Future Fellowships Dr Lucas A Cernusak (Plant Sciences) Reading the isotopic archive: carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios as recorders of plant...
12 Nov 2010
DNA mutation rates are the deciding factor in the battle of the birds, which sees songbird species disproportionately outnumbering other bird orders, according...
5 Nov 2010
Genome sequencing of Australia's platypus, an animal so unusual it was thought to be a hoax when sent to Europe in the 18th century, has moved the evolution of...
3 Nov 2010
The nature-nurture debate is a “giant step” closer to being resolved after scientists studying bees documented how environmental inputs can modify our genetic...
14 Oct 2010
People whose vision is badly damaged by over-exposure to bright light may be able to restore their sight, according to research from The Australian National...
6 Oct 2010
Researchers studying the eyes of Australian bull ants have found the first evidence of adaptation of visual structures within a single species to distinct...
17 Sep 2010
Dr Rowena Martin of the ANU RSB received one of just two ACT Young Tall Poppy Science Awards (2010). Dr Martin's work has made a major contribution to our...
15 Sep 2010
The human brain can see only up to three moving objects at a given instant, new research has found.